Concrete Floor Repairs

Here at Midland Flooring, we understand that our clients want a robust, strong, hardwearing, durable and versatile surface. This is only possible with the correct care and maintenance. By giving your floors annual inspections and routine maintenance you can avoid long term failures and expensive repairs.

At Midland Flooring we offer a full report and repair package, whilst providing good maintenance advice to reduce long term cost.

You often find that by removing dirt and surface laitance, eliminating small fractures, filling chipped joints and minor impact damage, we can avoid major breakdowns of joints, potholes and sandy surfaces. Ancient Roman buildings such as the Coliseum are living examples of the strength and durability of concrete. There is no reason that your floor can not last as long with the correct care.

Keep Movement Joints Full
Avoid Breakdown of Joints and expensive repairs

Over time as the concrete expands and contracts the jointing materials falls into the void. This leaves the arises (shoulders) of the concrete prone to damage by fork trucks. The jointing material should be periodically removed and replaced. We suggest an annual inspection and replacement. This will avoid joint failures, assuming the correct joints have been installed at construction phase.

Typical joint material removal & replace £5.00-£10.00 per ml typical joint repairs £120.00 – £350.00 per ml.

Fill redundant bolt holes and impact holes
Avoid surface potholes

Open areas within the surface are prone to damage from traffic and debris as the edges are weakened. Filling these back to the surface level with products similar in strength and durability to the concrete floor helps avoid further breakdown.

Typical hole filling cost £5.00 – £10.00 each cut and replace £35.00 – £50.00 each.

Provides an abrasive reflective durable surface
Remove dirt and debris from the surface

Removing dirt and honing the surface whilst using penetrating surface hardeners not only provides a reflective, durable, easy to clean surface it also increases abrasion resistance and extends the life cycle of the floor. If you don’t believe us, ask the Romans.

Normally annual budgets are set for buildings in terms of maintenance. The roof, walls, ceilings, toilets, electrical points etc. the floors should be no different and, in many cases, this should be first on the list for consideration.

Your warehouse is where most of the storage, heavy duty traffic and accidents happen! Allow all storage areas easy access – increase productivity for forklift traffic and help eliminate trips and falls. We believe all this is possible with reasonable annual maintenance.